About Client:-
Data centre management plays a crucial role in protecting data and keeping it secure to avoid data security breaches. Data centre management consists of large data sets and hardware systems that are part of an organization’s large distributed network serving employees and customers.
The client is a leading data centre having 1500 + employees, 10 data centres in 5 cities & 2500 clients across India. With more than 40,000 employees across 73 countries & 6000 clients across the globe, the client has a huge geographical presence.
Modern enterprise Data Centres are some of the most technologically advanced infrastructures in today’s world. Customers faced a major challenge since they were having 500+ enterprise assets which are EOSL. The main requirement was the maintenance of 500 + enterprise assets across Pan India with 24 Hr CTR resolution.
The client wanted to have failed enterprise asset be up & working condition within 24 hrs from the ticket logged. In order to achieve this stringent SLA, the customer wanted all critical spare stockings to be done locally to achieve 24 Hr CTR resolution.
Proposed Solution:-
Stocking of all critical spares stocked at local warehouses where customer assets were located. Along with Solid Tech’s highly skilled engineers and availability of stocks 99 % SLA adherence assurance could be provided to customers.
Most failed assets were restored within 12 Hrs because of local spares availability & required skill set. The satisfaction level of customers was at its peak. All the proposed solution from Solid was extremely beneficial to them which drew the road map to future deals. Since then the business relationship with partners has been stronger and growing over the years to date.